Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Road Trip to Texas Hill Country - Creations in Kerrville, Texas

In Kerrville, Texas, this is the view outside my window.
After yesterday's blustery day,
I was glad to see these peaceful flags!
This is Creations!
If I had a 'bucket list' of shops-to-see,
this is one of them!
I am thrilled to be here and
I hope you enjoy this mini tour!
I do so love sunflowers and these are quilted beautifully!
I will have to do an additional post later with the technique used.
It has a fascinating result!
The funny part of this display is that I shot this picture as soon as I had asked permission to document my visit to Creations. I was told the owners are always very gracious in permitting any photographs. Then I went to another room and decided I really did like the sunflower panel and went back to pick one up. The display was GONE! I thought it was just me and that I was in the wrong room. I asked and sure enuf - someone had bought the last panel! BUMMER! Ya snooze, ya looze....
The sunflowers are huge.
These wildflowers are smaller.
This is beautiful thread artistry!
Boots have more thread work!

This is such an impressive Texas quilt!
And it is not even red, white and blue.
Many colors of thread!
Through out the shop this window pane display
was so effective, no matter what the project.
This display of mini bolts above the fabric bolts
was very inviting!
When I saw the colors from one room,
I was drawn into the next room,
and the next, and the next!
Let me introduce --Handsome Cat!
I think I will call him "Sir!"
But there is nothing in the photo to give you perspective.
The block is probably 16" square!
Beautifully quilted!
Can you find the cat in this photo?
This one is not as large as the last one.
I was talking on the phone to Dan when I was preparing to photograph this display. I did not even see the napping feline. Talk about tucked into a comfy, cozy napping spot!
The stool is just the perfect canopy!
And no flash was going to disturb any slumber!
Here are those colorful mini bolts again.
This time they are above the books in the books and notions room.
Primary colors in these projects are glowing!
And the quilt had variegated metallic thread
in the black background.
Mellow colors here are no less impressive.
Have you figured out that I was moving from room to room. Every time I came into a new room, I could see into the next room. Is this not a delightful powder room!
The windows at Creations are framed in detailed high gloss molding. Window treatments are made from fabrics on display for sale. One room has three windows all with different but complementary fabrics. All are very lovely and give the "I-could-do-that" impression!

As you notice the stylish rod, also notice that you can see the outside gingerbread porch trim reflecting through the window.
The camera did not choose to use the flash here and this truly shows the beauty of these incredible front windows of the shop! The curved molding is not disturbed by the lace that is loosely tied with simple twine. The stained glass in the window and the tiffany lamp are further emphasis of the attention to decorative delightful details throughout!
In the wool room, one window has the stripe.
Other window has just a strip of the stripe.
As if the detailed architecture of the building and the carefully chosen furniture were not enough to make you want to move right in and be at home, there are sayings and quotes in needlework and decor to spur on your creative thinking.
Believe in the wonder of tomorrow!

Creations of Kerrville, Texas was established in 1978.
So I am safe to say that I have wanted to visit for decades.
I began quilting in the mid 1970's.
The quilt industry has been marked
by many creative savvy businesses!
I hope you can tell by this blog
that this visit was everything I wanted it to be.
I hope you have enjoyed this mini tour.
Go to their web site at
There is so much more to see!

As I crossed the parking lot to depart, one of the staff was exiting the newly built Retreat Center. I am so glad I was bold enough to introduce myself to ask if the day's event was over and could I tour the new building. You must read on their web site about the auction that took place that morning! Not only did I receive a tour, but the tour was hosted by owner Kathy and I met sister, Julie. I cannot begin to describe the retreat center, so we will have to wait until all the pictures are loaded to their web site.

All in all I will repeat the line I said
at the beginning of this blog post.
I am thrilled with my visit to Creations!
Imagination creates beauty, builds dreams
and gives us hope.

p.s. remember the sunflowers?
One of the Staff found me in all my wanderings from room to room
and held up a rolled piece of fabric.
"I was just in the back room and we came across this sunflower panel.
Would you like it?"
You betcha!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Road Trip to Texas Hill Country

April 15, 2011 -- 7:45 am -- 61 degrees --- departing Colleyville
It is just as the sun is rising on my backyard flag poles
and there is just a slight breeze.
It was not long before the winds really began to pick up!

By the time I drove the 100 miles to Lake Whitney Dam
the wind was whipping flags straight out!
The flag at the top of the bridge is flying!
Those are WHITE caps on the Lake! It is rolling big time!
LOVE the Red, White & Blue when flying flat out like this!
Speaking of blue - here are a few blue bonnets
along the bank at Lake Whitney.
This is another patch along another road side.
As you can see, they are already going to seed.

These sunny yellow beauties were dancing in the wind too!
Today I did not see many large patches of blue bonnets,
but one field of a different purple flower was amazing:
Driving Highway 22 south there were many flying flags!
What a first impression to this ranch!
No kidding - this was wind was waaaaay strong!
Wind advisories were out and burn bans posted!
40-50 mph winds with hail was reported on radio
in last night's storm that went through north of our house last night.
I am thinking they were the same speed today!
200 miles from home I stopped for Subway in Goldthwaite, Texas.
Say that one three times fast!
Lest you think this blog post is all about flags and flowers,
you know I could not resist these photo opportunities!

And last, but definitely not least! :-)

Today I drove over 300 miles in the Texas Hill Country!
There are more pictures of flowers to come,
and this concludes this journal entry for today.

When I was reading about "how to write a blog"
one of the recommendations I remember is:
Write as though you were talking to your sister.
So since my KY Sista is not able to be here this spring,
this blog is for you.

I have been preparing and practicing postings for way too long.
It is time to stop practicing and tell someone to read this.
I will leave TX Quilt Country Living blog to go email my KY Sis now.