Friday, October 14, 2011

Mr. Trombley's Tea - another highlight of July Northern CA trip

Just have to make one more blog post from the 2011 CA trip!  
Duncan Hills - that's the spot to stop!

Cape Fear was not to be feared!
Great lunch - then off to Mr. Trombley's Tea Shop!

I know, we were in WINE country,
but you will see why we enjoyed this shopping excursion!

 Could you walk by this window and not go in!!!
Come on - let's go in!

The handle on this tea cup is a flutter-by!

 Don't forget, these Texans were more than enjoying 
the bright colored flowers of California 
since the killer 2011 summer heat had dried up most everything at home.

There was so much to see in this shop!
Love the top-hat-lampshade!

Yes, there is tea-tasting!

 Decisions - decisions - what shall we buy? 
 Since Patty had to leave to return home, 
we wanted to send her a gift.  
Should it be red?

Yes, there is a Mr. Trombly and we had a great time visiting with him!

Would you like to know what LaLa purchased?
Go back to the picture that has all the red tea pots
on the top display shelf.

This set is from the 1950's - white ceramic pieces
and the red "covers" can be removed.
Patty sent this photo to us after her surprise was settled
in its new home in the display with the flag!

What a FUN FUN shopping day at a FUN FUN shop!

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