Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall colors inside and out

On our little piece of Texas, the best way to see 
fall colors like this is to quilt some!
The leaves look good inside.
The colors look especially good outside.

Because fall is here that means it is JSS Fall Retreat time.
JSS = Just Say Sew
Our Just Say Sew group is THE BEST!
You can read much more about JSS -

This "Autumn Leaves" quilt is a group effort 
from our 2002 block exchange.
This fall since I am not attending retreat,
(sad face)
I am connecting in a small way from home
with my JSS quilts on display.

The original pattern was designed by Judy Martin.
That Judy named it Judy's Maple Leaf Autumn Whisper.
It has been featured in several quilt books and publications.
The idea for the rake was taken from a cover quilt
on one of American Patchwork and Quilting magazines.

Quilt measurements are 56" x 82."
Claudia Arth did the beautiful custom quilting.
See the whirl of the raked leaves.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to JSSers -
 Barb Clark, Melinda Giacomarro, Vicki Glover, 
Sue Hauptman, Sarah Huie, Madelyn Norville, 
Judy Roybal, Linda Sampson, Linda Schnacke, 
Patty Spinelli, Peggy Sympson, 
Karen Thompson and LaNelle Whisenant
for making my leaves!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall colors outside

The fall colors are set outside -  Blue skies, green grass

red barn

Add red, white and blue!
Add some orange.

 Add some flowers that are peeking around the orange
 because they are so happy the red-hot-summer is over!

 Add some gold!

 Cody is on left. 

 Quincy is not about to close his eyes!

 Quincy has his eye on the tennis ball that is in hand under the camera!

And of course add a quilt!
This is one of my most favorite quilts.
Pattern is from Country Threads of Garner, Iowa.

Ok - add a quilt and Quincy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall colors inside

The fall colors are set in the kitchen.  Pastels are on the top shelf.
Any season is good for fiesta! 

Add some pumpkins.

Add some apples.

And of course, add a quilt.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mr. Trombley's Tea - another highlight of July Northern CA trip

Just have to make one more blog post from the 2011 CA trip!  
Duncan Hills - that's the spot to stop!

Cape Fear was not to be feared!
Great lunch - then off to Mr. Trombley's Tea Shop!

I know, we were in WINE country,
but you will see why we enjoyed this shopping excursion!

 Could you walk by this window and not go in!!!
Come on - let's go in!

The handle on this tea cup is a flutter-by!

 Don't forget, these Texans were more than enjoying 
the bright colored flowers of California 
since the killer 2011 summer heat had dried up most everything at home.

There was so much to see in this shop!
Love the top-hat-lampshade!

Yes, there is tea-tasting!

 Decisions - decisions - what shall we buy? 
 Since Patty had to leave to return home, 
we wanted to send her a gift.  
Should it be red?

Yes, there is a Mr. Trombly and we had a great time visiting with him!

Would you like to know what LaLa purchased?
Go back to the picture that has all the red tea pots
on the top display shelf.

This set is from the 1950's - white ceramic pieces
and the red "covers" can be removed.
Patty sent this photo to us after her surprise was settled
in its new home in the display with the flag!

What a FUN FUN shopping day at a FUN FUN shop!