Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July 2011 -Trip to Northern California

From Dallas/Fort Worth Judy Linn, Peggy Sympson and Madelyn Norville traveled to San Francisco airport to be picked up by Patty Spinelli and Linda Sampson.  All are JSSers - which means "Just Say Sew" quilt bee members.  The bee meets in Texas, but Patty now lives in Coarsegold, California and Linda (aka LaLa) recently moved to Penngrove, California.

Yes, Linda is wearing a leg brace and carrying a cane.  Yes, Patty has a bandage wrapping her knee and she is driving!  Patty is almost fully recovered from her injury, so she is the 'wellest' of the two. At first we thought this was a total joke, but truth be known Linda does have need of this brace and can switch to other less cumbersome braces.  Knowing Linda, you know that this did NOT stop her!  

Let the "party" begin!  After brunch/lunch to help with time zone adjustments, what would five quilters want to see! FABRIC!  Off we go to downtown San Francisco!
 Four floors to see!
 Button, button, who has this many buttons!

 Happy Peggy!
 Madelyn in ribbon area

 Linda in the decor area
Patty and Peggy stop at books.

 More ribbons

 Ladders are useful.
Linda and Madelyn chat while Peggy shops for lace and trim.
After leaving Britex we saw this sewing machine collection.
Now off we go to Union Square.

I know you are singing it. Sing with me now.....
"I Left My HHHHHeart in San Francisco!"

 Out of the parking garage and Union Square has street map.
Who needs a map when you have Linda and Patty!!!

Guess where the Christmas tree goes.

 Tiffany's blue sign on corner.

 Flight Attendant remembers this hotel.

Hills of San Francisco streets

Unique architecture at every turn.

Next stop Port of San Francisco
 First siting of the Bay Bridge

Whose time are we on?

 Could not resist photo of the colorful produce.
This is just the beginning of photos of lush flowers.
These are sweet peas on the left and you will see more later. 

 Want a ferry from Bay Bridge to Golden Gate?
 Bay Bridge

 Part of city skyline

 Bay Bridge

 Opposite side of clock tower with skyline 

Next stop Ghirardelli Square

Linda can write the caption for that photo.  

Browsing a gift store

Time to eat at Lori's Diner.  Whose time are we on....

All of us had clam chowder in bread bowl!

Airplanes inside and out!

 Sky typers outside

 We never did figure out what they were typing, but way cool!

Time to shop for chocolate! Um - no matter the time zone!

With a little bit of chocolate, time for a ride down Lombard Street.
Patty is such a great chauffeur!  Linda of course is co-piloting.
They think we cannot hear from the back seat....

How is anyone supposed to know these are photos of Lombard Street! 
 It IS the crookedest street and no stopping along the way! 
 Scenic view of part of city
 That is someone's driveway.  Serious scaffolding!
Looking back up Lombard Street.

"Lombard Street is best known for the one-way section on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth Streets, in which the roadway has eight sharp turns (or switchbacks) that have earned the street the distinction of being the crookedest [most winding] street in the world..." - you can google this yourself to see if this is contested.

Driving on - time to go to the ocean.

 Happy to see the Pacific Ocean!

 The fog was lingering.

Fog, fog, go away....

Up the hill to the Cliff House - view of the ocean and dessert too!

While we enjoyed beautiful/scrumptious desserts, the sun came out!!!
The sun was setting and the fog was moving away.

The streets opposite the ocean are called The Avenues.
Shining reflections!

What a full day of site seeing!
Time to cross the Golden Gate Bridge,
Say goodbye to the skyline of San Francisco.

Next stop Penngrove!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Love it!!! You all look as if you are having a wonderful, wonderful time - brings back many fine memories of San Fran! Love that chocolate AND Lombard Street! Cannot wait to see more of what you do - you all look fantastic!